Kod : GWJ8032

Seria: JOINON range
electric vehicle charging station I-ON

I-ON (floor-mounting) and I-ON Wall (wall-mounting) charging stations are the JOINON solutions for public and semi-public scenarios, engineered to resist to impacts, vandalism and and atmospheric agents: as a result, IP55 protection and IK10 robustness are guaranteed. The design takes care of urban context and to ergonomical eDriver side ease of use.

Informacje techniczne

Opis Modem
Odpowiedni Do Site Controller
Ware Number 85287191

Specyfikacja techniczna - IT

Specyfikacja techniczna - EN

Oznakowanie CE

NOTE: Site Controller requires a DC 12-24V power supply and a network switch for wiring all EV charging stations through Ethernet cable.
GWJ8032 modem is not necessary if the charging site is already equipped with internet connectivity.

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