Portofoliul GEWISS este compus din sistemele avansate de conectare, distribuție, derivare și transport al energiei. Prin intermediul unei selecții vaste de produse inovatoare, fabricate în Italia, propunem soluții integrate, concepute pentru a răspunde eficient oricărei cerințe.
Our products:
Un sistem avansat pentru managementul și protecția energiei electrice. Asigură o sinergie și integrare maximă între echipamentele modulare și montate în carcasă, panourile electrice și dulapurile de distribuție
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Siguranță, confort, sustenabilitate, supraveghere și design.
Acestea sunt cuvintele cheie pentru a descrie întregul sistem GEWISS
Sistemele de iluminat inteligente și de înaltă calitate, cu design italian, ce oferă soluții optimizate, pentru a spori confortul din mediul înconjurător.
Our products:
JOINON este soluția noastră integrată pentru mobilitatea durabilă.
Iubești SPORTUL,
adu-l în LUMINĂ
Digital Sport Innovation propune o ofertă integrată de tehnologii și servicii pentru modernizarea facilităților sportive, oferind soluții complete.
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Our services:
Sport can play its part in reducing emissions and respecting the environment. Sustainability is not just beneficial for the environment, but it is also a way for sports associations to gain prestige and renown.
An association that promotes physical activity, using green solutions and sustainable projects, can reduce facility running costs while increasing return on investment. Measures for implementation are enshrined in the principles for sustainable sport set out by the international Kazan Action Plan. These measures can have an impact on the environmental situation, while also enabling companies involved in the sports sector to flourish economically.
A more energy-efficient company can reduce waste, improve productivity and increase its profits. Through modern, state-of-the-art solutions we can now create a healthy relationship between sport and sustainability in Italy.
Automatic consumption control to reduce impact on the environment
Companies involved in the sports sector (manufacturers, suppliers, but also sports organisations) can adopt automation solutions that ensure energy efficiency.
Building automation ensures better control over the consumption of water, heating and lighting, avoiding waste. The temperature inside gyms and sports centres can be regulated in line with the number of customers present, lights can be switched off in optimal natural light conditions, and water use can be managed in a rational manner.
Integrated systems reduce consumption, eliminate waste and guarantee an immediate return on investment.
Relamping sports facilities with LED lighting
When it comes to sports facility lighting, the best solution to reduce consumption is to replace outdated lighting systems that use incandescent lamps with the latest generation of LEDs. This type of lighting reduces energy consumption – thus reducing the associated costs – while simultaneously contributing to a reduction in CO² emissions.
Thanks to the use of sensors built into the lighting system, the system can be automated for remote management and optimisation of the luminous flux. It is also possible to identify series of useful environmental data such as temperature, humidity, and air quality, via the Internet of Things.
Deployment of renewable energy sources
If a reduction in consumption alone is not enough when faced with rising energy and raw material costs – in particular coal, caused by geopolitical clashes and the climate crisis – self-production of energy may be the way forward, even for sports facilities. The installation of photovoltaic and storage systems is a green and cost-effective way of becoming energy independent and keeping costs down.
Sports organisations can thus take advantage of state-of-the-art technologies that enable them to save on energy costs, while transferring the money to other activities for business growth.
Sports events supporting sustainability
Sporting events that promote sustainability are a great way to raise environmental awareness and to adopt habits that limit the impact of activities on the ecosystem. Efforts are increasingly being made to reduce waste production and pollution from the movement of vehicles used to organise these events, to raise awareness about sustainability while setting a good example.
Recycled or second-hand sports equipment
Sports associations should support the use of sustainably produced equipment, either from recycled materials, or second-hand. The costs associated with this equipment are lower, allowing organisations to save money while also reducing the need to produce new sporting goods, which involves electricity consumption, polluting transport and manpower.
Sport and sustainability are two closely related issues. Thanks to targeted interventions and green projects, sports companies can rely on low-impact and energy-efficient systems. In this way, companies can demonstrate respect for the planet with real action on consumption, yet still improve ROI and increase profits. Taking measures to reduce environmental impact helps engage the public, especially younger generations, who are increasingly sensitive and attentive to sustainability issues. It is also a useful initiative for marketing purposes, as it increases brand prestige.
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