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Design and budgeting Software for BUS systems

BUS allows to design and to budgeting BUS systems with this software is also possible to represent the planimetry and the device link scheme.
Il program is composed by various sections:

Dispositive scheme:
In this window are showed all the device with their link that form the various function\scenery.In this section the user can insert new device and modify the links according to the rules of domotic systems.

Function list:
In this section are represented the functions inserted in the project with their devices.

Scenery list:
In this section are represented the sceneries inserted in the project where the user can modify or insert new sceneries.

System structure:
This section shows the BUS structure (areas, lines and sublines) where the devices are inserted with their physical address.

Environment structure:
The BUS device in this section are organized by environment as showed in the planimetry.

Topographic scheme:
With BUS is possible to draw simply and quickly the planimetry with various “blocks” as doors, windows, furniture, rooms… that can be moved, downsize or upsize by the mouse. The project documentation can be printed or exported in Word, Excel, Pdf format. The planimetry and the link scheme can be exported in DXF format openable with AutoCad or CAD.

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